Registration is open!
We have a fun-filled weekend planned for all of our Hornets from Friday, October 18, 2024 – Sunday, October 20, 2024.
Take a look at this year’s schedule below and register when you’re ready. Please note that some events require pre-registration and/or a fee associated with the event. Details on event pricing are available when you register for Homecoming.
Homecoming weekend is from Friday, October 6, 2023 – Sunday, October 8, 2023. Please note that the schedule is subject to change until registration opens in September. Details on pre-registration requirements and event pricing will be available at a later time.

Registration Desk and Bookstore Hours
Friday, October 18
- Registration Desk – 3 p.m.-8 p.m. | Atrium, Weimer K. Hicks Center
- Bookstore – 9 a.m.-6 p.m. | Lower Level, Weimer K. Hicks Center
Saturday, October 19
- Registration Desk – 8 a.m. – 7 p.m.| Atrium, Weimer K. Hicks Center
- Bookstore – 9 a.m.-7 p.m.| Lower Level, Weimer K. Hicks Center
Small Gathering Spots: Are you looking for a spot on campus where you can have a small group gathering on Saturday, October 19? See information on additional gathering spots to learn more.
Sunday, October 20
- Bookstore – 10 a.m.-2 p.m. | Lower Level, Weimer K. Hicks Center
Campus Food and Beverage
Friday, October 18
- Book Club Café – 8 a.m.-5 p.m. | Upjohn Library Commons
- Richardson Room Deli – 11 a.m.-5 p.m. | Second Floor, Weimer K. Hicks Center
Saturday, October 19
Hornet Hospitality Table
Join your classmates at the Hornet Hospitality Table! Complimentary coffee, hot chocolate and breakfast bars will be available for guests from 9 a.m.-12 p.m. by the Weimer K. Hicks Center. Please note that food and beverage will not be adjusted based on dietary preferences and restrictions.
- Book Club Café – 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. | Upjohn Library Commons
- Homecoming Picnic – 11 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. | Tent on the Quad
- Richardson Room Deli – CLOSED
Small Gathering Spots: Are you looking for a spot on campus where you can have a small group gathering on Saturday, October 19? See information on additional gathering spots to learn more.
Sunday, October 20
- Book Club Café – CLOSED
- Richardson Room Deli – CLOSED
Additional Gathering Spots
Saturday, October 19
The following spots are open on a first come, first served basis on Saturday, October 19. Each of these locations have comfortable furniture for small groups of Hornets to gather.
- Weimer K. Hicks Center – 8-10:30 a.m. AND 11:30 a.m-5 p.m.
- This location includes the Lower level, Second Floor (by the Richardson Room), Third Floor.
- Please note that Hicks will be used for Departmental Receptions from 10:30-11:30 a.m.
- Commons, Dewing Hall – 8 a.m.-5 p.m.
- Book Club Cafe, Upjohn Library Commons – 8 a.m.-4 p.m.
Welcome Home
We have a fun-filled weekend planned for all of our Hornets from Friday, October 18, 2024 – Sunday, October 20, 2024.
Take a look at this year’s schedule below to see what is planned. Although registration is now closed we would still love to have you on campus! Please come to the registration desk in the Weimer K. Hicks Center starting on Friday, October 18 at 3 p.m. for walk up registrations. We will do our best to accommodate events which require a fee.
For questions related to events, pricing, and more please contact the Office of Alumni Engagement by emailing or by calling 269.337.7300.

Registration Desk and Bookstore Hours
Friday, October 18
- Registration Desk – 3 p.m.-8 p.m. | Atrium, Weimer K. Hicks Center
- Bookstore – 9 a.m.-6 p.m. | Lower Level, Weimer K. Hicks Center
Saturday, October 19
- Registration Desk – 8 a.m. – 7 p.m.| Atrium, Weimer K. Hicks Center
- Bookstore – 9 a.m.-7 p.m.| Lower Level, Weimer K. Hicks Center
Small Gathering Spots: Are you looking for a spot on campus where you can have a small group gathering on Saturday, October 19? See information on additional gathering spots to learn more.
Sunday, October 20
- Bookstore – 10 a.m.-2 p.m. | Lower Level, Weimer K. Hicks Center
Campus Food and Beverage
Friday, October 18
- Book Club Café – 8 a.m.-5 p.m. | Upjohn Library Commons
- Richardson Room Deli – 11 a.m.-5 p.m. | Second Floor, Weimer K. Hicks Center
Saturday, October 19
Hornet Hospitality Table
Join your classmates at the Hornet Hospitality Table! Complimentary coffee, hot chocolate and breakfast bars will be available for guests from 9 a.m.-12 p.m. by the Weimer K. Hicks Center. Please note that food and beverage will not be adjusted based on dietary preferences and restrictions.
- Book Club Café – 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. | Upjohn Library Commons
- Homecoming Picnic – 11 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. | Tent on the Quad
- Richardson Room Deli – CLOSED
Small Gathering Spots: Are you looking for a spot on campus where you can have a small group gathering on Saturday, October 19? See information on additional gathering spots to learn more.
Sunday, October 20
- Book Club Café – CLOSED
- Richardson Room Deli – CLOSED
Additional Gathering Spots
Saturday, October 19
The following spots are open on a first come, first served basis on Saturday, October 19. Each of these locations have comfortable furniture for small groups of Hornets to gather.
- Weimer K. Hicks Center – 8-10:30 a.m. AND 11:30 a.m-5 p.m.
- This location includes the Lower level, Second Floor (by the Richardson Room) and Third Floor.
- Please note that Hicks will be used for Departmental Receptions from 10:30-11:30 a.m.
- Book Club Cafe, Upjohn Library Commons – 8 a.m.-4 p.m.
Welcome Home
Homecoming and Reunion Weekend is October 3-5, 2025 and registration opens at the end of August. The 2025 schedule of events will be posted in the summer.
Please take a look at the 2025 schedule to see what is planned.
For questions related to events, pricing, and more please contact the Office of Alumni Engagement by emailing or by calling 269.337.7246.

Registration Desk and Bookstore Hours
Friday, October 18
- Registration Desk – 3 p.m.-8 p.m. | Atrium, Weimer K. Hicks Center
- Bookstore – 9 a.m.-6 p.m. | Lower Level, Weimer K. Hicks Center
Saturday, October 19
- Registration Desk – 8 a.m. – 7 p.m.| Atrium, Weimer K. Hicks Center
- Bookstore – 9 a.m.-7 p.m.| Lower Level, Weimer K. Hicks Center
Small Gathering Spots: Are you looking for a spot on campus where you can have a small group gathering on Saturday, October 19? See information on additional gathering spots to learn more.
Sunday, October 20
- Bookstore – 10 a.m.-2 p.m. | Lower Level, Weimer K. Hicks Center
Campus Food and Beverage
Friday, October 18
- Book Club Café – 8 a.m.-5 p.m. | Upjohn Library Commons
- Richardson Room Deli – 11 a.m.-5 p.m. | Second Floor, Weimer K. Hicks Center
Saturday, October 19
Hornet Hospitality Table
Join your classmates at the Hornet Hospitality Table! Complimentary coffee, hot chocolate and breakfast bars will be available for guests from 9 a.m.-12 p.m. by the Weimer K. Hicks Center. Please note that food and beverage will not be adjusted based on dietary preferences and restrictions.
- Book Club Café – 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. | Upjohn Library Commons
- Homecoming Picnic – 11 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. | Tent on the Quad
- Richardson Room Deli – CLOSED
Small Gathering Spots: Are you looking for a spot on campus where you can have a small group gathering on Saturday, October 19? See information on additional gathering spots to learn more.
Sunday, October 20
- Book Club Café – CLOSED
- Richardson Room Deli – CLOSED
Additional Gathering Spots
Saturday, October 19
The following spots are open on a first come, first served basis on Saturday, October 19. Each of these locations have comfortable furniture for small groups of Hornets to gather.
- Weimer K. Hicks Center – 8-10:30 a.m. AND 11:30 a.m-5 p.m.
- This location includes the Lower level, Second Floor (by the Richardson Room), Third Floor.
- Please note that Hicks will be used for Departmental Receptions from 10:30-11:30 a.m.
- Commons, Dewing Hall – 8 a.m.-5 p.m.
- Book Club Cafe, Upjohn Library Commons – 8 a.m.-4 p.m.
2024 Schedule of Events
Please note that the schedule is subject to change until registration opens in September. Details on pre-registration requirements and event pricing will be available at a later time.
Schedule and Event Costs
Please note that some events require pre-registration and/or a fee associated with the event.
Friday, October 18
= Pre-registration required
= Fee associated
Open from Dawn to Dusk | Lillian Anderson Arboretum
Location: Lillian Anderson Arboretum, 1.8 miles west of the intersection of M-43 (West Main Street) and US 131 in Oshtemo Township
Kalamazoo College’s Lillian Anderson Arboretum comprises 140 acres of marsh, meadow, pine plantation and second-growth deciduous forest in Oshtemo Township. Not only is it a site for active research and ecological monitoring, it’s a grand place for a stroll. Enjoy a self-guided tour of the Arb, and visit the off-the-grid education pavilion named after Dr. H. Lewis Batts, Jr. ’43 and Jean M. Batts ’43. Find a trail map with the Avenza Map App and search for the “Lillian Anderson Arboretum” by Kalamazoo College. It’s free! Parking in the main lot at the Arboretum is limited and overflow parking is available at the Oshtemo Township Park (7275 W. Main Street), just east of the property. Help us with photo site monitoring by taking pictures at photo sites and submitting them through the QR codes found throughout the Arb. To learn more, visit:
11 – 11:40 a.m. | Community Reflection – Intimate Partner Violence Awareness
Location: Stetson Chapel or Livestream
October is Intimate Partner Violence Awareness Month. We will remember those in our community who face daily violence as well as the history of K’s own struggle to become a place free of violence. Sponsored by SPEAK and Religious and Spiritual Life.
3 – 8 p.m. | Write Congratulatory Notes to Admitted K Students
Location: Lower Level, Weimer K. Hicks Center
As alumni, you understand the difference a K education can make! Please consider volunteering to write a few notes of congratulations to admitted students.
4 – 5 p.m. | Developing Dialogues: Exploring Definitions and Methods of Feminism
Location: Room 103, Dewing Hall or Livestream
Please join Elle Waldron ’23 as she discusses the highlights of her Sherbin Fellowship year abroad in Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Costa Rica, and Spain. The Jerry Sherbin Fellowship, established by Robert Sherbin ’79, provides one K senior with a stipend to pursue an academic year post-graduation, independently exploring a subject of deep personal interest outside the United States. This event is sponsored by the Center for International Programs (CIP).
4:10 – 5:10 p.m. | Biology Reflections Seminar
Location: Room 226, Dow Science Center
Please join biology faculty, alumni and current students for their annual Reflections and Connections gathering, established in honor of Professor Paul R. Sotherland during his 30th year at the College. We will share recent highlights and happenings within the Biology Department and hear presentations by biology alumni as they reflect on how their trajectories have been shaped by their K experiences. Following this event, we will adjourn to join in the Homecoming Connection Reception in Hicks where you can rekindle old connections and forge new ones across generations of biologists. For additional information, please contact Professor Michael Wollenberg at or visit
4:30 – 6 p.m. | Open House at the Hoop House
Location: Hoop House – behind the Fitness and Wellness Center – off of Academy
Get together with alumni and current students who are involved with the Hoop House to share stories and snacks or help with weekly gardening tasks! The Hoop House is a passive solar greenhouse that was built in 2018 and is stewarded by the Larry J. Bell ‘80 Environmental Stewardship Center and the Mary Jane Underwood Stryker Center for Civic Engagement.
5 – 6:30 p.m. | Homecoming Connection Reception
Location: Banquet Room, Weimer K. Hicks Center
Please join students, alumni professionals, faculty and staff at an informal networking gathering. Come prepared to share the story of your own career path, listen and learn from others’ work experiences, and explore professional possibilities both local and global. Hors d’oeuvres and refreshments will be served and all are welcome. Attendees over 21 may enjoy an alcoholic beverage with proper identification. Co-sponsored by the Center for Career and Professional Development (CCPD) and the Office of Alumni Engagement.
5 – 9 p.m. | Class of 1984 Cocktail Social Party
Location: At the home of Cliff ’84 and Brenda Mulder ’84, 1700 N. 5th Street Kalamazoo
Please join your class for a gathering at Cliff and Brenda Mulder’s to kick-off your reunion weekend! Heavy hors d’oeuvres, beer/wine and other beverages will be provided.
5:30 – 8 p.m. | Class of 1969 Gathering
Location: The Park Club, 219 West South Street
Please join your class for a gathering at the Park Club to kick-off your reunion weekend! Heavy hors d’oeuvres, beer and wine will be provided. This event is hosted by Rick Halpert ’69 and John ’69 and Carol VanLuvanee ’69.
6 p.m. | Delmega Society Gathering
Location: University Roadhouse, 1332 W. Michigan Avenue
Please join the Delmega Society for a gathering at the University Roadhouse! A group photo will be taken around 7 p.m. Food and beverages will be available to purchase.
6 – 7 p.m. | K Women’s Soccer “Kick Back”
Location: MacKenzie Field, Kalamazoo College Athletic Field Complex
Please Coach Jill Leibforth for a special Kalamazoo College Women’s Soccer Alumni Event! All former players are invited to reconnect with old (and new!) teammates and watch the current K women’s soccer team in action during a dynamic practice session. Whether you’re looking to share some wisdom or just want to enjoy the beautiful game again- join us! Feel free to lace up your boots and kick around too! For additional information, please contact Coach Leibforth at
6 – 7:30 p.m. | Alumni of Color Reception
Location: Intercultural Center, Weimer K. Hicks Center
Join us for an opportunity to meet and network with current K students and alumni of color. Learn about initiatives of the Arcus Center for Social Justice Leadership (ACSJL), the Intercultural Center and the Center for Career and Professional Development (CCPD). Appetizers and refreshments will be served. Attendees over 21 may enjoy an alcoholic beverage with proper identification. Sponsored by the Arcus Center for Social Justice Leadership, the Office of Alumni Engagement and the Center for Career and Professional Development.
6 – 8 p.m. | Class of 1974 Gathering
Location: Comensoli’s Italian Bistro & Bar, 762 West Main Street
Please join your class for a gathering at Comensoli’s to kick-off your reunion weekend! Appetizers will be provided and beverages will be available to purchase.
6:30 – 7:15 p.m. | K Volleyball Alumni Scrimmage
Location: Anderson Athletic Center
All K volleyball alumni are invited to join our alumni scrimmage night to kick off homecoming weekend. The scrimmage will be alumni vs. alumni 6v6. For additional information, please contact Coach Morgan Lemner at
7 p.m. | Class of 1979 Gathering
Location: Garden Grille & Bar at the Hilton Garden Inn, 303 North Rose Street
Please join your class for a gathering at the Garden Grille & Bar to kick-off your reunion weekend! Food and beverages will be available to purchase.
7 p.m. – 12 a.m. | All Hornet Gathering
Location: Back Room, Bell’s Eccentric Café, 355 East Kalamazoo Avenue
Go Orange! Go Black! Join your fellow Hornets at Bell’s for a K gathering in the back room. The back room is reserved for K, but space is available on a first come, first served basis. Beverages will be available to purchase.
7:30 p.m. | Psychology Department Gathering – Just Added!
Location: Back Room, Bell’s Eccentric Café, 355 East Kalamazoo Avenue
Please join members of the Psychology Department for an informal gathering in the back room at Bell’s.
The back room is reserved for K, but space is available on a first come, first served basis. Beverages will be available to purchase.
7:30 – 8:15 p.m. | Senior Performance Series: August Wilson’s How I Learned What I Learned
Location Update: Olmsted Room, Mandelle Hall
Please join us to watch Michael Robertson’s II ’25 Senior Integrated Project (SIP) as he performs selected scenes from August Wilson’s How I Learned What I Learned directed by Dr. Quincy Thomas. Seating is limited!
About August Wilson’s How I Learned What I Learned:
Through stories about his first jobs, first loves and experiences with racism, August Wilson recounts his life from his roots to the completion of The American Century Cycle, providing an inside look into one of the most celebrated voices of the 20th century.
7:30 p.m. – 9 p.m. | Alumni Association Awards Ceremony
Location Update: Stetson Chapel or Livestream
Join us to honor the award recipients for 2024!
- Distinguished Service Award: Eugene Bissell ’76
- Distinguished Achievement Award: Steven Yeun ’05
- Weimer K. Hicks Award: Kim Sullivan Aldrich ’80
- Young Alumni Award: Alex Morgan ’11
- Athletic Hall of Fame Awards: Brant Haverdink ’02 (Football), Christopher Manning ’12 (Men’s Swimming & Diving), Jillian McLaughlin ’10 (Women’s Cross Country), Stacey Nastase Lambert ’02 (Women’s Soccer), Beau Wangtrakuldee ’10 (Women’s Tennis) and the 1995, 1996 and 1998 Men’s Tennis Teams and 1898, 1916 and 1936 Football Teams.
9:30 p.m. | English Department Gathering
Location: Back Room, Bell’s Eccentric Café, 355 East Kalamazoo Avenue
Please join members of the English Department for an informal gathering in the back room at Bell’s.
The back room is reserved for K, but space is available on a first come, first served basis. Beverages will be available to purchase.
Saturday, October 19
= Pre-registration required
= Fee associated
Open from Dawn to Dusk | Lillian Anderson Arboretum
Location: Lillian Anderson Arboretum, 1.8 miles west of the intersection of M-43 (West Main Street) and US 131 in Oshtemo Township
Kalamazoo College’s Lillian Anderson Arboretum comprises 140 acres of marsh, meadow, pine plantation and second-growth deciduous forest in Oshtemo Township. Not only is it a site for active research and ecological monitoring, it’s a grand place for a stroll. Enjoy a self-guided tour of the Arb, and visit the off-the-grid education pavilion named after Dr. H. Lewis Batts, Jr. ’43 and Jean M. Batts ’43. Find a trail map with the Avenza Map App and search for the “Lillian Anderson Arboretum” by Kalamazoo College. It’s free! Parking in the main lot at the Arboretum is limited and overflow parking is available at the Oshtemo Township Park (7275 W. Main Street), just east of the property. Help us with photo site monitoring by taking pictures at photo sites and submitting them through the QR codes found throughout the Arb. To learn more, visit:
8 a.m. | Hornet Hustle Run/Walk – On your own
Location: Start and finish in front of Hoben Residence Hall on Campus Drive
Start your day with a 5K! Enjoy a morning run or walk through our beautiful campus and surrounding neighborhood on Saturday. Printed maps will be available on Campus Drive by Hoben Residence Hall for you to take and follow on your own as you make your way through the campus and neighborhood. Print out your race bib and have fun with your friends!
Please note that this is fun self-guided event and race staff, snacks and water will not be provided. Please use the map to follow the course as it will not be marked.
8 a.m. – 7 p.m. | Write Congratulatory Notes to Admitted K Students
Location: Lower Level, Weimer K. Hicks Center
As alumni, you understand the difference a K education can make! Please consider volunteering to write a few notes of congratulations to admitted students.
9 – 10 a.m. | Class Agent and Alumni Association Engagement Board (AAEB) Open House
Location Update: Stone Room, Weimer K. Hicks Center
Remarks will take place at 9:15 a.m.
Calling all class agents and AAEB members! Please join us to meet your fellow K leadership volunteers while sharing light refreshments. Short remarks will be at 9:15 a.m.
9:30 a.m. | Class of 1974 Reunion Photo
Location: Stetson Chapel
Say Cheese! The Class of 1974 will have a reunion photo taken at Stetson Chapel at 9:30 a.m.
9:40 a.m. | Class of 1979 Reunion Photo
Location: Stetson Chapel
Say Cheese! The Class of 1979 will have a reunion photo taken at Stetson Chapel at 9:40 a.m.
9:50 a.m. | Class of 1984 Reunion Photo
Location: Stetson Chapel
Say Cheese! The Class of 1984 will have a reunion photo taken at Stetson Chapel at 9:50 a.m.
10 a.m. | Class of 1989 Reunion Photo
Location: Stetson Chapel
Say Cheese! The Class of 1989 will have a reunion photo taken at Stetson Chapel at 10 a.m.
10 – 11 a.m. | Guided Campus Tour with K Students
Location: Begin at Red Square between Mandelle & Dewing Halls
Accessibility Note: The tour will require climbing stairs.
Visit a mix of nostalgic and new highlights of campus with our Office of Admission student tour guides, Bailey, Luis, Marcos and Natalie. The tour will include the Dow Science Center, Weimer K. Hicks Center, Hoben Residence Hall, Upjohn Library Commons and the Light Fine Arts Building.*
Please note that the Admission Center, Arcus Center for Social Justice Leadership, Fitness and Wellness Center and Natatorium have open houses from 10 a.m.-12 p.m. to tour on your own. *The Light Fine Arts Building will not be available to tour.
Meet your tour guides:
- Bailey Callaway, Senior Business/Spanish double major, from Caledonia, MI. She studied abroad in Spain.
- Luis Castro-Limon, Junior Critical Ethnic Studies major, from Pomona, CA. He plans to study abroad in Oaxaca in the winter.
- Marcos Perez, Sophomore prospective Business/AnSo double major from Wilmington, CA. He plans to study abroad in Latin America next year.
- Natalie Pineda, Senior, Psych/Critical Ethnic Studies double major from Los Angeles, CA. She studied abroad in Columbia.
10 a.m. – 12 p.m. | Open house at…
Admission Center
Location: Admission Center, 106 Thompson Street
All alumni and friends are invited to visit the newly renovated Admission Center to meet the new Director of Admission, Shannon Milan ’16, and experience where prospective Hornets begin their Kalamazoo College campus tours and visits.Prospective students will be visiting campus on Saturday so show your Hornet pride!
Arcus Center for Social Justice Leadership
Location: Arcus Center for Social Justice Leadership, 205 Monroe Street
The Arcus Center for Social Justice Leadership is currently in its next chapter of growth. This year, along with expanding the knowledge and social justice leadership development of our students, we are focused on raising awareness about human rights with our entire campus and Kalamazoo community. Visit the Open House at the Arcus Center to learn more about our upcoming programs, events and why “Use Your Power to Affect Change: Take Action, Vote, and Organize” is our theme for the year.
Coffee and donuts will be available.
Fitness and Wellness Center
Location: Fitness and Wellness Center, 131 Catherine Street
Visit the Fitness and Wellness Center and see how our past has contributed to the future of today’s student. The 30,000 square foot two-level structure will be open to view for a self-guided tour, with staff on hand to welcome and answer questions about the facility and its impact on current Hornets.
Mary Jane Underwood Stryker Center for Civic Engagement
Location: Room 004, Dewing Hall (Garden Level of Dewing by Red Square).
The staff and student leaders of the Mary Jane Underwood Stryker Center for Civic Engagement invites Alumni to join us for snacks and a conversation about how K students and faculty work alongside community residents and organizations in Kalamazoo to contribute to social change, equity, democracy, and sustainability.
We invite you to visit our new space to learn how civic engagement helps students find a sense of purpose, gain the ability to “cross borders,” and explore pathways to meaningful careers. Our Open House is special this year as you’ll be able to meet our new Director – Sashae Mitchell ’13!
Location: Natatorium, 1010 Academy Street
Featuring eight competition lanes and a dedicated diving well, this 29,000 square-foot building honors K’s tradition of excellence in the pool and celebrates future Hornets. With expanded locker rooms, pool deck and meeting space the new natatorium improves upon the student-athlete experience, recruiting and team competitiveness.
10 a.m. – 12 p.m. | Varsity Tennis Alumni Gathering
Location: Markin Tennis Center, 131 Catherine Street
All former varsity men’s and women’s tennis players are invited to attend the annual alumni gathering at the Markin Tennis Center. For additional information, please contact Coach Mark Riley at or Coach Mark Murphy at
10 a.m. – 1 p.m. | VW Photobooth Bus
Location: The Quad – Look for the Orange VW Bus!
Have your photo taken with fellow alumni, family or friends inside a 1977 VW Bus. You can be as goofy or as serious as you want! It’s your call! Find your photos after Homecoming on the K Office of Alumni Engagement Facebook page.
10 a.m. – 2 p.m. | College Archives
Location: Room 329, Upjohn Library Commons
Visit the College Archives to look at yearbooks and issues of The Index from your student days. Also on display will be items from the college memorabilia collection: historic athletic uniforms, freshman “pots”, pledge paddles, and more!
10 a.m. – 4 p.m. | A.M. Todd Rare Book Room
Location: Room 326, Upjohn Library Commons
Enjoy an exhibit entitled: “Witch: A Label and Its Repercussions”. “Witch” is a term that shows up throughout pop culture, from books to movies we see examples of witches as old crones or beautiful young women, from scary and harmful to protectors or healers. This exhibit, featuring important resources from the A.M. Todd Rare Book Room collection, hopes to show some of the history of the label of “witch,” how it has been used to harm during the early modern European witch hunts and how it was then integrated into literature through works like Shakespeare’s Macbeth and Hansel and Gretel.
10 a.m. – 7 p.m. | Intercultural Center Open to Alumni
Location: Room 110, Weimer K. Hicks Center
Stop by as your schedule allows to see the Intercultural Center. The Intercultural Center in Hicks is the home for Intercultural Student Life programs, initiatives, and dialogues that center on the lived experiences and voices of marginalized student populations. The space is reserved for students and strives to cultivate an inclusive campus culture that celebrates our community’s many differences while affirming our shared interconnections. The Intercultural Center provides 24-hour access to students, so don’t be surprised to find current students meeting, studying, relaxing, or playing music as you stop in.
10:10 a.m. | Class of 1994 Reunion Photo
Location: Stetson Chapel
Say Cheese! The Class of 1994 will have a reunion photo taken at Stetson Chapel at 10:10 a.m.
10:20 a.m. | Class of 1999 Reunion Photo
Location: Stetson Chapel
Say Cheese! The Class of 1999 will have a reunion photo taken at Stetson Chapel at 10:20 a.m.
10:30 a.m. | Class of 2004 Reunion Photo
Location: Stetson Chapel
Say Cheese! The Class of 2004 will have a reunion photo taken at Stetson Chapel at 10:30 a.m.
10:30 – 11:30 a.m. | Departmental Receptions
Location: Weimer K. Hicks Center
Visit with current faculty, staff and your favorite professors from days-gone-by.
- Sciences and Mathematics – Lower Level
- Fine Arts, Humanities and Languages – Second Floor
- Interdisciplinary, Social Sciences and Physical Education – Third Floor
11 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. | Homecoming Picnic
Location: Tent on the Quad
Enjoy lunch on the Quad with your fellow Hornets!
Lunch will include: Baked white cheddar macaroni and cheese, barbecue pulled chicken, barbecue pulled pork, barbecue portobello mushrooms, traditional potato salad, fall roasted vegetables, Hornet rolls, Miss. Vickie’s Chips, homemade apple crisp, local apple cider, lemonade and water. Gluten free sandwich buns will be available at the cashier stand at the picnic. The picnic fare cannot be adjusted based on dietary preferences and restrictions.
11 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. | LandSea Open House
Location: Tent on the Quad
Stop by the LandSea tent on the Quad to meet the current directors, chat with fellow alumni and compare adventures.
11:30 a.m. | Class of 2009 Reunion Photo
Location: Stetson Chapel
Say Cheese! The Class of 2009 will have a reunion photo taken at Stetson Chapel at 11:30 a.m.
11:30 a.m. – 1 p.m. | Emeriti Club Gathering
Location: Banquet Room, Weimer K. Hicks Center
Doors open at 11:15 a.m. with lunch starting at 11:30 a.m.
Emeriti alumni are invited to attend a luncheon that honors class years prior to 1974. The program will include an Emeriti Club Leadership Council update, given by the current President, Don Schneider ’63. After lunch, a plaque will be presented to the 2024 Citation of Merit Award recipients, Jim Cameron ’69 and Gwen A. Fountain ’68.
Shuttle and Parking: Off campus parking and a shuttle service will be available at 11 a.m.-1:30 p.m. from St. Thomas More Catholic Student Parish (421 Monroe Street) to the Weimer K. Hicks Center. Please note that this shuttle service is for the luncheon only and K is permitted to use the lower parking lot of the Parish. Cars will need to be removed from the parking lot by 3 p.m. to allow church members space to park for their evening service.
11:40 a.m. | Class of 2014 Reunion Photo
Location: Stetson Chapel
Say Cheese! The Class of 2014 will have a reunion photo taken at Stetson Chapel at 11:40 a.m.
11:50 a.m. | Class of 2019 Reunion Photo
Location: Stetson Chapel
Say Cheese! The Class of 2019 will have a reunion photo taken at Stetson Chapel at 11:50 a.m.
12 – 12:30 p.m. | K Mixtape – The Soundtrack of Your Years at K – This event has been cancelled due to a building closure.
Location Update: Room 103, Dewing Hall or Livestream
Enjoy a performance from select vocalists from the College Singers and live band singing songs from each reunion year. Come hear the exciting culmination of this project that connects K alumni to each other and to the songs that were popular during their years at the College. A light-hearted, high-energy, and talent-packed 30 minute performance.
12:15 – 1 p.m. | The Making of ‘CAMPUS’ – A Feature Film at Kalamazoo College This Winter
Location: Room 103, Dewing Hall
This November and December, Kalamazoo College will be partnering with Adam Edery ’19 and Quincy Isaiah ’17 on their new feature film, ‘CAMPUS,’ which will be filmed primarily at Kalamazoo College. Writer and producer Adam Edery will be sharing exciting information about the project, discussing everything from the inception of the script to the filming logistics on campus – and a few other special details!
12 – 6 p.m. | Hornet Spirit Shuttle to and from the Kalamazoo College Field House
Location: Catch the K bus in front of Red Square (between Mandelle and Dewing Halls) to the Field House or in front of the Field House back to main campus
Accessibility Note: Stairs are involved to access the bus and a wheelchair lift is not available.
Ride the official K bus to the Kalamazoo College Athletic Field Complex to cheer on your Hornets as they take on Hope in Football and Trine in Women’s Soccer. The shuttle will run every twenty minutes and will loop back to Red Square on Academy Street. Please look for the shuttle signs for pick up and drop off in front of Red Square on Academy and in front of the Field House. Students, alumni, faculty and staff are all welcome!
1 p.m. | Homecoming Football Game
Location: Angell Field, Kalamazoo College Athletic Field Complex or Livestream
Kalamazoo College vs. Hope College. Please visit the Kalamazoo College Home Football Game Day page for information on admission/tickets, parking and more. Wear your orange and black to the game.
1 – 1:45 p.m. | Class of 1974 Sing-Along
Location Update: Stetson Chapel
Join your class for a sing-along in Stetson Chapel.
1:30 – 2:30 p.m. | A Conversation about Reckoning: Kalamazoo College Uncovers Its Racial and Colonial Past
Location: Room 103, Dewing Hall or Livestream
Join Donna Odom ’67 and Anne Dueweke ’84 in a conversation about Anne’s recent book tracing the racial and colonial history of the College. Anne will describe how she became interested in this aspect of the College’s history, and Donna will interview Anne about some of the passages that particularly struck her as well as share some of her own experiences as an African American student at Kalamazoo College in the 1960s. There will be plenty of time for questions and conversation. Introductions will be made by Tom Ticknor ’67.
2 – 3 p.m. | Theatre Arts Alumni Reception – This event has been cancelled due to a building closure.
Location: Lobby, Nelda K. Balch Playhouse
Enjoy a meet and greet with Theatre Arts alumni and faculty. For additional information, please contact Kirsten Sluyter at 269.337.7130.
2:30 – 3:30 p.m. | Historic Campus Tour with the College Archivist
Location: Begin in Red Square between Mandelle and Dewing Halls
Accessibility Note: The tour will require climbing stairs around the Quad.
Join K’s Archivist, Lisa Murphy ’98, on a historical building tour of campus supplemented with fun facts about the college and stories of student escapades. Learn about K’s campus planning and architecture focusing on the 1920s and 1930s, and architects such as NYC’s Aymar Embury II (Hoben Hall, Harmon Hall, and Stetson Chapel) and Detroit’s Albert Kahn (Trowbridge Hall), as well as Chicago-based Howard Van Doren Shaw (Humphrey House).
2:30 – 4 p.m. | Reconnecting & Celebrating Alumni: Chemistry/Biochemistry Department Gathering – A Special Celebration of Professor Tom Smith
Location: Second Floor, Dow Science Center
Remarks will take place at 3 p.m.
Welcome home Chem-Hornets! Please join us in kicking off our annual Reconnecting & Celebrating Alumni gathering created in honor of Professor Tom Smith who served the department and the College for 40 years. In 2014, members of the class of 1979 (Tom’s first SIP class) created the Thomas Smith Summer Research Fellowship fund that supports current students’ summer research projects. At this event, we will showcase the work of present and past recipients of this fellowship, as well as highlight some of the work of current and past students and faculty. This event will be an opportunity to learn of our alumni’s journeys, and celebrate the Chem/Biochem program. Professor Smith will join our event to be recognized, and make a few remarks about his perspectives on undergraduate research. It will be a unique opportunity to reconnect with Tom as well as Chemistry/Biochemistry colleagues over the years. Remarks will take place at 3 p.m. For additional information and to find out how you can get involved, please contact Professor Regina Stevens-Truss at, or visit You can also follow us on Instagram @kzoochem.
3:30 – 4:30 p.m. | The Stetson Chapel Bells and Change Ringing – 40th Anniversary
Location: Stetson Chapel
Change Ringing is a team sport, a musical performance, an ancient art and a demanding pattern-based exercise all at once! A band of ringers will be on hand to illustrate some of the skills involved in making music with these swinging bells.
About the Stetson Chapel Bells:
The bells of Stetson Chapel were cast in London’s Whitechapel foundry and shipped to Kalamazoo in 1984. It was Mathematics Professor T. Jefferson Smith who initiated the project nearly a decade earlier, oversaw its completion, and trained the first generation of ringers. This year is the fortieth anniversary of their installation. Since then they have served as the voice of the Chapel, marking weddings, memorial services, and other important events in the life of the community.
Stetson Chapel is one of only a handful of towers in the United States where ringing like this can be heard. Ranging in size from 350 to 1000 pounds, the eight bells hang midway up the tower and are rung by means of ropes which extend to the ringing chamber below.
You may have seen the ringers pulling these ropes when you attended a chapel event as a student, or maybe on the day of your graduation. Each sequence of pulls, one for each bell, is called a “change.” It is in moving from one change to the next that the band produces the distinctive cascade of sound you hear from the tower.
4 – 5:30 p.m. | Student Film Festival
Location: Room 103, Dewing Hall
After a four-year hiatus, the student film festival is back at K! Enjoy a showcase from the Introductory and Advanced Documentary Film Production Classes that focus on the many opportunities at Kalamazoo College. Unique to this year’s festival are films made as the students emerge from the pandemic, showing their challenges, resilience and resolve. Topics include football, music, environmentalism, social justice, DOGL, and graduation. Some films may contain adult content and language.
Student filmmakers and their projects include:
Jane Bentley ’25: “Students for Justice in Palestine” (6:00)
Ian Burr ’24: “Football” (6:00)
Sam Douma ’26: “Via Ferrata” (6:00)
Emma Frederiksen ’25: “Growing with Disability” (4:30)
Ethan Galler ’25: “This is DOGL” (7:45)
Davis Henderson ’25: “ARTX-200” (7:45)
Alek Hultberg ’26: “Tom Evans” (5:45)
Caleb Kipnes ’26: “How to Run Hillel” (4:45)
Megan McGarry ’25: “Clay & Community” (6:20)
Alex Quesada ’25: “Train Swag” (5:00)
Amalia Scorsone ’24: “A SuperKut of Us” (8:00)
Luke Torres ’25: “Squishmallows” (4:00)
Tariq Williams ’23: “Sustainability at Kalamazoo College” (4:30)
4 – 5:30 p.m. | Brighter Light Campaign Celebration Reception
Location: Hornets Suite, Kalamazoo College Athletic Field Complex
By Invitation Only
President Jorge G. Gonzalez and Dr. Suzie Gonzalez ’83 welcome donors to the Brighter Light Campaign to a wine and cheese reception in celebration of the collective generosity of alumni and friends who made this six-year campaign a success. For more information, please contact
Shuttle: The Hornet Spirit Shuttle will be available until 6 p.m. Pick up and drop off locations are in front of Kalamazoo College Athletic Field Complex and Red Square (between Mandelle and Dewing Halls) on Academy.
5 p.m. | Homecoming Women’s Soccer Game
Location: MacKenzie Field, Kalamazoo College Athletic Field Complex or Livestream
Kalamazoo College vs. Trine University. Please visit the Kalamazoo College Home Women’s Soccer Game Day page for information on admission/tickets, parking and more. Wear your orange and black the game.
6:30 p.m.
Class of 1959 Gathering
Location: The Park Club, 219 West South Street
Enjoy the company of your classmates as you celebrate a gathering in your 65th year. Cash bar.
Photo: A class reunion photo will be taken around 7 p.m. at the Park Club.
Class of 1964 Reunion Celebration
Location: The Park Club, 219 West South Street
Enjoy the company of your classmates as you celebrate your 60th reunion. Cash bar.
Photo: A class reunion photo will be taken around 7 p.m. at the Park Club.
Class of 1969 Reunion Celebration
Location: The Park Club, 219 West South Street
Enjoy the company of your classmates as you celebrate your 55th reunion. Cash bar.
Photo: A class reunion photo will be taken around 7 p.m. at the Park Club.
Class of 1974 Reunion Celebration
Location: Banquet Room, Weimer K. Hicks Center
Enjoy the company of your classmates as you celebrate your 50th reunion. Includes complimentary beer and wine.
Class of 1979 Reunion Celebration
Location: Stone Room, Weimer K. Hicks Center
Enjoy the company of your classmates as you celebrate your 45th reunion. Each guest will receive 3 complimentary beer/wine tokens.
Class of 1994 Reunion Celebration
Location: Arcus Center for Social Justice Leadership
Enjoy the company of your classmates as you celebrate your 30th reunion.
Class of 1999 Reunion Celebration
Location Update: Yehle Reading Room, Upjohn Library Commons
Enjoy the company of your classmates as you celebrate your 25th reunion. Each guest will receive 3 complimentary beer/wine tokens.
7 p.m.
Class of 1984 Reunion Celebration
Location: Hornets Suite, Kalamazoo College Athletic Field Complex
Enjoy the company of your classmates as you celebrate your 40th reunion. Each guest will receive 3 complimentary beer/wine tokens.
Class of 1989 Reunion Celebration
Location Update: Martell’s, 3501 Greenleaf Boulevard
Enjoy the company of your classmates as you celebrate your 35th reunion. Each guest will receive 3 complimentary beer/wine tokens. A cash bar will be available.
Class of 2004 Reunion Celebration
Location: Martell’s, 3501 Greenleaf Boulevard
Enjoy the company of your classmates as you celebrate your 20th reunion. Each guest will receive a complimentary beer/wine ticket. A cash bar will be available.
Class of 2009 Reunion Celebration
Location: Martell’s, 3501 Greenleaf Boulevard
Enjoy the company of your classmates as you celebrate your 15th reunion. Each guest will receive a complimentary beer/wine ticket. A cash bar will be available.
Class of 2014 Reunion Celebration
Location: Martell’s, 3501 Greenleaf Boulevard
Enjoy the company of your classmates as you celebrate your 10th reunion. Each guest will receive a complimentary beer/wine ticket. A cash bar will be available.
Class of 2019 Reunion Celebration
Location: Martell’s, 3501 Greenleaf Boulevard
Enjoy the company of your classmates as you celebrate your 5th reunion. Each guest will receive a complimentary beer/wine ticket. A cash bar will be available.
Sunday, October 20
= Pre-registration required
= Fee associated
Open from Dawn to Dusk | Lillian Anderson Arboretum
Location: Lillian Anderson Arboretum, 1.8 miles west of the intersection of M-43 (West Main Street) and US 131 in Oshtemo Township
Kalamazoo College’s Lillian Anderson Arboretum comprises 140 acres of marsh, meadow, pine plantation and second-growth deciduous forest in Oshtemo Township. Not only is it a site for active research and ecological monitoring, it’s a grand place for a stroll. Enjoy a self-guided tour of the Arb, and visit the off-the-grid education pavilion named after Dr. H. Lewis Batts, Jr. ’43 and Jean M. Batts ’43. Find a trail map with the Avenza Map App and search for the “Lillian Anderson Arboretum” by Kalamazoo College. It’s free! Parking in the main lot at the Arboretum is limited and overflow parking is available at the Oshtemo Township Park (7275 W. Main Street), just east of the property. Help us with photo site monitoring by taking pictures at photo sites and submitting them through the QR codes found throughout the Arb. To learn more, visit:
9:30 a.m. – 12 p.m. | Class of 1979 Brunch
Location: Radisson Plaza Hotel, 100 W. Michigan Avenue
Join your classmates for brunch and farewells at the Radisson Plaza Hotel. The cost is $26 per person (including tax and tip) and individual payments will be made at the event. Please RSVP to Mary King by October 11 if you plan to join the class for brunch.
3 – 3:45 p.m. | Senior Performance Series: August Wilson’s How I Learned What I Learned
Location Update: Olmsted Room, Mandelle Hall
Please join us to watch Michael Robertson’s II ’25 Senior Integrated Project (SIP) as he performs selected scenes from August Wilson’s How I Learned What I Learned directed by Dr. Quincy Thomas. Seating is limited!
About August Wilson’s How I Learned What I Learned:
Through stories about his first jobs, first loves and experiences with racism, August Wilson recounts his life from his roots to the completion of The American Century Cycle, providing an inside look into one of the most celebrated voices of the 20th century.
8:30 – 10 a.m. | K Alumni Mass and Welcome
Location: St. Thomas More Catholic Student Parish, 421 Monroe Street
St Tom’s invites all Kalamazoo College alumni to join St. Tom’s K faculty, staff, students and parishioners for Mass (8:30-9:30 a.m.) to close out your reunion weekend celebrations. Meet our pastor, Father Paul Redmond. Tour the church facility through a self-guided church tour (9:30-10 a.m.). We look forward to reconnecting with those who worshiped at St. Tomâs as students. All are welcome! Face masks are optional. St. Tom’s also offers livestreamed worship through their Facebook page.
10:30 a.m. – 12 p.m. | K Alumni Mass and Welcome
Location: St. Thomas More Catholic Student Parish, 421 Monroe Street
St Tom’s invites all Kalamazoo College alumni to join St. Tom’s K faculty, staff, students and parishioners for Mass (10:30-11:30 a.m.) to close out your reunion weekend celebrations. Meet our pastor, Father Paul Redmond. Tour the church facility through a self-guided church tour (11:30 a.m.-12 p.m.). We look forward to reconnecting with those who worshiped at St. Tomâs as students. All are welcome! Face masks are optional. St. Tom’s also offers livestreamed worship through their Facebook page.
Homecoming News

2022 Award Recipients & Athletic Hall of Fame Inductees
Check out last year’s list of recipients for Alumni Association Awards, Citation of Merit Awards, and Athletic Hall of Fame inductees!
2024 Alumni Association Awards Ceremony
Attend the Alumni Association Awards Ceremony to celebrate the Alumni Association Award Recipients and the Athletic Hall of Fame Inductees.
Date: Friday, October 18, 2024
Time: 7:30-9 p.m.
Location: Dalton Theatre, Light Fine Arts Building
See Who Attended
Visit the Who’s Coming page to see the full list of Homecoming registrants. You can also find Who’s Coming lists on each Reunion class year page and the Emeriti Club Gatherings page.